Sponsor RFI


Purpose: this is a Request For Information (RFI) from industry suppliers that produce meteorological instrumentation, greenhouse gas sampling and other related instruments associated with the measurement of carbon through soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. We are organizing the 2nd ICOS-NEON / CoopEUS Carbon Training Workshop, June 2-12, 2015, Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP), 04870 St Michel l'Observatoire, France.  Announcement can be found here. Please ask for agenda with noted speakers. Participants have expressed an interest in having industry leaders that produce instruments for micrometeorology and carbon cycle research to have a hands-on demonstration(s). We would also like to support as many students as possible. We are not a full capacity, and so this providing a unique opportunity for private industry to sponsor (individual) student scholarships. We anticipate a total of approximately 24 students for this workshop. We also acknowledge that this is a unique synergistic opportunity where academicians, students and industry can work together in fostering the skillsets for the next cohort of carbon researchers.

RFI: we would like to gauge your interest in:

A) would you be willing to sponsor one student? 

At this time, we do not know the exact cost estimate of a sponsorship, but it would be at cost, approx. 2 k  . We do not expect that an individual industry partner will be paired with an individual student in the selection process. We do however, plan to have a pool of students, 4-6 that would collectively be supported by industry.  Industry sponsors would be able to advertise their student sponsorship publically. 

B) would you be willing to provide a 1 hour hands-on activity with your instrumentation?  If so, are you willing to self-support your contribution towards this activity, re, provide your own travel, lodging, per diem, etc.? if so, what instrumentation would you plan on bringing to the workshop?

We anticipate having a block of workshop time dedicated to hands-on demonstration for standard (community accepted) and novel instrumentation.  We have outdoor areas where instruments can be set-up, power and Internet capabilities.

Review Process: The planners for the workshop will choose IF we will have industry sponsors, and if so, who they will be on the basis of i) a timely response, ii) our ability to provide a portfolio of diverse instruments and industry for the workshop, iii) instrumentation that best fit with course materials, and iv) recognized, community accepted, and innovative instruments. Those not chosen this year, will be prioritized for subsequent workshops. We will make our selections known to all the respondents in a timely manner. We plan to review and make recommendations within 10 working days, so that we can confirm participation, and those accepted can make timely travel plans.

Timeline: We will have this RFI open for public response for 10 days.  We apologize in advance for the short timelines, but we are under time constraints to plan this workshop—and at the same time we wish to broadly engage those that wish to respond.  Please respond via email by 5:00 pm CEST on April 20th, 2015 to Nadine Schneider carbonws2015@sciencesconf.org

We encourage all to respond. Please respond to if you have any questions, please direct them to Nadine Schneider, carbonws2015@sciencesconf.org, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE/IPSL), CEA Saclay, Orme des Merisiers, Bât. 701, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX, France, Tel +33 (0) 1 69 08 71 24


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